US Capital Building

What I Want To Get Done By This Journey

I'm going to walk across America to learn about the people who live in this country and the true meaning of being American. I will walk to every state's capital to learn a better understand why Americans are the way they are. During high school, my life was about lacrosse and typical student but after I decided to not continue that life. I was at a last for a meaning to life until I came up with this adventure. Now all I'm waiting is the money for food and then I will start out on my journey.

Is this a good idea?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why even change?

What's the purpose for leaving everything behind and just start walking until you think you have made a difference in at least someone's life? I believe it is our American right to talk about ideas our government was build on and form our own ones. When was the last time you talked about our government with someone? I'm not talking about who you voted for or how the president can't talk, but I'm talking about a real conversion about what you believe in.

Plato believed democracy would fail because of three reason but the one I think we are really having a problem with today is democracy leading to conflicts and disagreements. Is that what we want or not want? Before I talk about how Plato's idea causes problems with us today, I need to talk about how I think ten percent of America's people control not only the rest of America but also the rest of the world.


Five percent of extreme leftist liberals and five percent of extreme rightest conservatives voice and force their opinion on everyone else. When you hear anything about what is going on in the world politics do you hear the opinions of the people who are in the middle or the people who are radical on different subjects? Who are the people you hear about in the national news: terrorist? murderers? leftist? rightist? Aren't they all forcing their opinions on you(even though so are more extreme then others)?What are reasons why people are elected to the office in the first place?:

a.) People vote on them because they in the same party as the particular person is in

b.) Greater of two "evils"

c.) They believe about the same as you do

d.) Not enough people who believed opposite of them showed up to vote

e.) Based on how the person looks or there demeanor with other people

f.) Now, the one I'm concerned with is about how people minds are shape to believe what someone else believes because nowadays youth are drilled from birth to believe in what everyone else believe.

Why the entire half of America should vote

If you are reading this still you either are expressing curiosity, agree with me, or seeing how much more preposterous my though is going to get. Well this is where I will bring up what Plato said and relate it to what is happening today. What is a conflict or disagreement? Webster dictionary says a conflict is a competitive or opposing action of incompatibles; a disagreement is a state of being at variance. Also you have to know ancient Athens was a pure democracy where the United State of America is a democratic republic. The main difference to me is that where a conflict arises where there is no leader to get everyone back on topic a pure democracy fails or takes to long to make a decision but conflict in a democratic republic is almost compulsory to be effective. Our government is always evolving to what the people want it to be but if the people never change from what everyone else wants then what is the point to being able to evolve?

Now what I want to accomplish from my walk is to inform people they have not only the god-given right but also the American right to think and form any ideas they want. Why be part of a country who was made by people who wanted to think the way the other to think if you aren't going to do it now. I I could get anything from this journey then I would ask or every single person to have their own thoughts.

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